Thursday 6 September 2012

It's Panto time!

Well, this year's flying past and Pantomime is creeping up on me already! So, it's time to think not only about what costumes I'm going to add to the Theatre Costume Hire wardrobe ready to place on hire but also Tip Top's panto this year which is Cinderella - one of my favourites!

Fairy Godmother ideas
Fairy Godmother ideas sheet

As we've already got some main Cinders dresses I've started playing around with some ideas for the Fairy Godmother and Buttons. I've been having thoughts about a Fifties style bodice and large skirt, mainly tulle but thought I'd go for a typical FG dress, based on the idea bottom right, but not exactly the same. I'll make one like that later when I have the time to embroider all the stars on. 

When I danced I always wanted to be the Sugar Plum Fairy but never got the part - always the baddie! Now I've got the chance to be closer to the part and so with that in mind I've decided to go for lilac/purple. I love shot taffeta and so the main body will be that with a dark purple skirt with an organza overlay. It's looking okay at the moment - I just need one of the girls to try it on to see how it's looking!

Toille basics 1 and 2

In the meantime I've been making basic patterns for the Principal Boy as we don't have many of those, especially Prince Charming for Cinderella. I've made up some toilles and got Alice to try some on for me to check the fit - and they didn't turn out too bad! No hems at this stage, it'll be easier to try them on whoever is going to be Prince Charming and also Dandini

Unfortunately my camera skills aren't great and she looks slightly wider than she is!  Behind her is the start of the FG dress, I'll take a photo of that again. 

I need to talk to the Director about how he wants his PC and Dandini to look before I can carry on too far with these - but at least they're started.
I've also started the Buttons costume. The actor who's playing him was with us last year and so luckily I've got his measurements.  I've drawn out the pattern and have cut out the fabric and lining. I'm just going to start putting it all together now. I love the colour of the material and the gold goes well so I'm hoping it's going to work well and go together quickly!  Yes, that's one of many cups of tea I have along with the chocolate - obviously no chocolate is allowed by my working material!

I'll update this as soon as I've got more movement on the costumes! Oh no you won't! Oh yes I will .....

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